AI Working for You

It is a common concern that the machines we build, though made for efficiency, are not to be trusted. In fact, the more dependent on machines we become, the more prevalent this idea can be found in our literary and DVD collections. I’d personally recommend: I, Robot, The Mitchell’s Vs The Machines, or X-Men: Days of Future Past.

If we put aside our fears however and think about how AI (Artificial Intelligence) can be useful to us, we might discover that certain tasks which once seemed daunting, can be simplified! There are so many resources out there that can provide you with information on this topic, but if you are very new to the concept, may this be a very short introduction for you to consider in making your day-to-day just a little bit easier.

If you are totally new to this topic, you might want to start with a few resources that can tell you what AI is, and how it is embedded in our daily lives. Some items from our collection that can help include: Tom Jackson’s Artificial Intelligence (side note: my auto correct suggested this title to me only four letters in – AI at play!,) Possible Minds edited by John Brockman, and Architects of Intelligence by Martin Ford.

If I were to offer my simple understanding of it though, I’d say that AI is simply: man-made machines, programmed to think and operate like humans. One example of AI in use from our very own library is: our online catalogue! By entering a keyword, or selecting particular filters, our library catalogue can offer reader’s advisory suggestions right at your fingertips when asking branch staff is not an option.

As a practical tool, I’m going to focus on how AI can be used for written content like resumes or cover letters, professional e-mails, speeches for your best friend’s wedding, a proposal for a loan, and so-much more. For instance, I recently used one writing generator called Paragraph AI which is completely free and very user friendly. These pictures from my use demonstrate how simple it can be, and how specific you can become with your desired outcome.

Step 1: Decide on a style for your writing and some subject matter you wish to cover. Then ask program to do it’s magic. 

Step 2: Review what is written. If you love it, you’re ready to copy and paste where necessary! If not, you can add more details like I have here.

Step 3: It is likely that once you are done, you will need to edit some details on your own. Be sure to do this to capture your unique style and voice.

I also want to place a note of caution here, and to do this, I’ll use the same writing program to explain what draw backs there are to these tools:

Writing AI is not always a good option because it can lead to the loss of human creativity and originality. While AI can generate content quickly and efficiently, it lacks the ability to truly understand emotions, context, and nuance. This can result in generic and formulaic writing that fails to engage readers on a deeper level. Additionally, relying too heavily on AI can diminish the value of human insight and expertise, as it cannot replicate the unique perspectives and experiences that humans bring to the table. Ultimately, writing AI should be seen as a tool to assist and enhance human creativity, rather than a replacement for it.

In other words, please do not use these programs for original works like academic assignments, a new book for our collection, or matters of opinion. While AI can certainly assist you, it can not replace you or authentic works. I am writing this post though, in hopes that those written pieces that take up precious time in your day, which no one is offering you a Nobel Prize to write, will take you just a little less time, and maybe even say what you didn’t realize you wanted to say 😉

Happy Writing!

Signed your Cyborg Blogger,

LSA Chantal